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Sport: get inspired

Sport: get inspired

The owner of this badge has used simple research methods to obtain more information about an athlete who is interested.
This is an activity that could be performed independently or with a group of friends. The quest answers questions that reflect the learning process. The evidence of the learning process has been assessed by Breakthrough youth workers
Da pridobiš značko, moraš opraviti vse naloge
Naloga št.1
Dokaze preveril: En organizator dejavnosti
Which athlete inspires you? This athlete may be unknown to others. The point is that the person inspires you.
Describe the sport that this person does.
Prijavite se in začnite z izzivom
Naloga št.2
Dokaze preveril: En organizator dejavnosti
Investigate what inspired the athlete to do this sport? You can investigate this by searching the internet for information or contacting the athlete and interviewing them. As proof, add information about this, for example the website page, a conversation report, a photo of the meeting, etc.
Prijavite se in začnite z izzivom
Naloga št.3
Dokaze preveril: En organizator dejavnosti
Describe what you have learned from your research about the profession, life and work of the athlete.
Prijavite se in začnite z izzivom

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