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Digital Generation Youth - meeting with Masifunde

Digital Generation Youth - meeting with Masifunde

The earner of this badge participated in a visit at Masifunde, Learning Development Centre and reflected learning from the meeting.
During the meeting, which was part of a Study Visit in South Africa, Masfunde showcased their best practices to participants from South Africa, Nigeria, Lithuania and The Netherlands: a) digital literacy development and b) 21st century skills development for young people with fewer opportunities.
Da pridobiš značko, moraš opraviti 1 nalogi
Naloga št.1
Dokaze preveril: En organizator dejavnosti
For organisers: share impressions and what have learned from this visit?
Prijavite se in začnite z izzivom
Naloga št.2
Dokaze preveril: samopotrditev
For self: note what you can take from this visid back to your practice of organisation?
Prijavite se in začnite z izzivom

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#digital generation youth
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