Study Visit 'Digital literacies for youth with fewer opportunities' in Port Elizabeth

Digital Generation Youth meeting with The Ubuntu Campus

The owner of this badge took part in the meeting with Ubuntu Pathways. Ubuntu showcased their best practices in the project ‘Cradle to Career’ which breaks the cycle of poverty by providing South Africa’s most vulnerable children with what all children deserve—everything, every day.
Você precisa concluir 1 tarefa para receber a patente
Task no.1
Evidence verified by: one activity organiser
For organisers: share impressions and what have you learned from this visit.
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Task no.2
Evidence verified by: self-approved
For self: note what you can take from this visit back to your practice of organisation.
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Categorias de interesse Categorias

Desenvolvimento pessoal
Carreira e preparação para o trabalho


#digital generation youth
A Badgecraft roda uma infra-estrutura web para Cidades e Regiões de Aprendizagem. O consórcio Europeu desenvolve esta plataforma com o co-financiamento do programa da União Europeia Erasmus+
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Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union