#1 Youth Ambassadors Meeting

#1 Youth Ambassadors Meeting

The owner of this badge took part in the first Youth Ambassador meeting! The owner improved his of her English skills, learned about entrepreneurship and personal development by going out of their comfort zone and met people from all over Europe during fun games!
Jums jāpabeidz visi uzdevumi, lai iegūtu nozīmīti
Task no.1
Evidence verified by: one activity organiser
Participate in the first Youth Ambassador meeting
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Task no.2
Evidence verified by: self-approved
Which part you liked the most of the Youth Ambassador meeting?
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Task no.3
Evidence verified by: self-approved
Upload a screenshot to show that you took part!
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Task no.4
Evidence verified by: self-approved
Write some ideas of the topics/activities you would like to have in the next meetings!
Login and start quest


Starptautiski un starpkulturāli


Badgecraft vada tīmekļa infrastruktūru mācību pilsētām un reģioniem. Eiropas konsorcijs palīdz attīstīties platformai ar līdzfinansējumu ES programmā Erasmus+
Mainīt valodu:
Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union