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Critical Thinking - planner

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Critical Thinking - planner

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Critical Thinking is one of the necessary 21st Century Skills for everybody to improve every time. Everybody can gain Critical Thinking Skills, someones will be faster in achieving than others.This learning activity can do by yourself, wherever you are, whenever you are ready for it.
An assessor can support you when you complete tasks and submit the answers in the tasks of the badge. After successfully completed the tasks you can earn a badge.
Picture (c) Engin Akyurt


  • SMART sheet to write smart objectives

Pridobite značko aktivnosti

Planner Critical Thinking Development Pridobi to značko

The earner of this badge has created a SMART objective and an action plan to achieve better Critical Thinking Skills.
An assessor from Eastern-Cape.regionoflearning.eu assessed the evidence showed by the earner.
Da pridobiš značko, moraš opraviti vse naloge
Naloga št.1
Dokaze preveril: En organizator dejavnosti
In this task you are going to create your own objective to become a little bit better in Critical Thinking. Use the SMART methodology (see resources in the activity). When creating an objective think about if what you want is important and that you can achieve it in a short while.
Critical Thinking needs to become a habit, and creating habits will take a longer time. Be happy with little steps in your progress. Also think about the needed resources, do you have the resources or otherwise can you get them? If not, then change your objective so you can achieve it.
Describe your SMART objective and explain your thoughts about the necessary resources to achieve your objective.
Naloga št.2
Dokaze preveril: En organizator dejavnosti
Now you have a SMART objective, you can start creating your action plan. Choose action steps that are concrete, achievable and attainable. Make sure that the steps are clear and not only vague ideas. Describe who is responsible for these steps and where you can find support that will assist you in the process of reaching your objective. When do you want to have achieved each step? Be very specise, for example by writing a date of achievement.
Naloga št.3
Dokaze preveril: En organizator dejavnosti
Describe how you are going to evaluate the achievement of your objective. And how you if necessary create an updated actionplan to follow up on your progress in Critical thinking.
You can search for 'action plan templates' online. If you start using them, start with a simple sheet and don't make it to complicated at the beginning.


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Eastern Cape Region of Learning
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