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#2 Growing empathy


#2 Growing empathy



Everybody has world views (the way you look at things) due to, for example, the place where they were born, the people around, the education followed. World views are helpful, though they can also be in your way. This activity will support you in finding your own world view and recognising when you have a worldview shift. When understanding your own world view, you can also create empathy towards opinions, emotions, experiences, values or behaviour of others. And when understanding it makes it easier to have an appropriate response towards that other.

So put simply, your world views determine your values and behavior. Everybody knows that when the funding from a house is solid, that there will be a big chance that the house will stay there for a long time. The foundation of that house is massively important. The same for your life, when you know what is very important for you and you make this the foundation of your actions and decisions then this supports your happiness and effective living. It will support you in being self-aware and prevents you from being limited by others. What or who is at the center of your life? What empowers you to have influence on the actions and decisions that you take?

Center of life

Review your center, what is there? And do you want to have this at the center? Does it support you in the way you want to live? You can use the example of the circle in the image and create your own personalised circle.


Get activity badge

World View Shift Get this badge

The holder of this badge has been independently working at the awareness of their own world view,  what is at the center of life,  and how being open minded can be supportive in understanding others and themselves. This awareness supports developing the skill Empathy. Empathy contains the understanding of one's own and another person's emotions, experiences and values, and the provision of appropriate responses.It also includes awareness of another person’s emotions, experiences and values; understanding another person's emotions and experiences, and the ability to proactively take their perspective, as well as responsiveness to another person’s emotions and experiences, being conscious that group belonging influences one’s attitude.

This Empathy badge is part of the LifeComp, the European framework for Personal, Social and Learning to Learn Key Competence

How the holder of this badge worked on these skills can be seen in the evidence in this badge. International youth workers have assessed the completed tasks.
You have to finish all tasks to get the badge
Task no.1
Evidence verified by: one activity organiser
Read the ‘What are worldviews' document. Name at least 1 world view that you are aware of. Is there a world view that has been changed recently? In what way can being open minded support you? Chat with at least 1 person about your world view and ask the world view of that other person about the subject.
Task no.2
Evidence verified by: one activity organiser
Define what or who is the center of your life via the worksheet added in this activity. Review your center, what is there? And do you want to have this at the center? Does it support you in the way you want to live? You can use the example of the circle in the image and create your own personalised circle.Chat with at least 1 person about why you have defined that as the real center of your life and ask the other person if there are more ways to keep that as the center of your life.


#personality development paradigms
#demonstrate empathy
Personal development
Added to playlist (1)
Time to complete: 1 hour


Tilburg City of Learning

Used in playlists

Pathway to Personal Leadership
Tilburg City of Learning
Created on Global platform for Cities of Learning
Badgecraft hosts this platform and develops it together with leading educational organisations. The European Union's programme Erasmus+ granted co-funding for building the first version of this platform. Contact support@badgecraft.eu.
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Co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union